A bug?

----- Forwarded message from Alex Volkmer <alexander_volkmer at web.de> -----

From: "Alex Volkmer" <alexander_volk...@web.de>
To: "Ian Clarke" <ian at freenetproject.org>
Subject: Re: Freenet 0.5

Hallo again,

in my case, this temp-folder is not a regulary temp-folder. I always use an
ordinary folder as temporary folder. It?s only named "Temp". So my Win2K
hasn?t an possibilitys to clean this folder. After sending you my first
email I run some test with Freenet 0.5. I created six different folders: two
on my workstation, two on my mainserver and another two on my NAS. Each
folder contains 150 MB of different testfiles. I repeated the installation
and configuration of Freenet 0.5, with telling Freenet to use the new
folders as temp-directorys. In all five tests each time the same result. The
testfiles get lost and are not retrieveable.

So may be it?s my network witch is giving up or the is a subroutine in
Freenet that cause that problem.

Best regards

Alex V.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ian Clarke" <i...@freenetproject.org>
To: "Alex Volkmer" <alexander_volkmer at web.de>
Cc: <steven at freenetproject.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: Freenet 0.5

> Well, I am very sorry to hear that, but I really don't think it is our
> fault.  A temp folder is - by nature - somewhere you store temporary
> files, and your operating system, in this case - Windows, is liable to
> delete files in the temp folder when it needs more space.
> Freenet probably filled up your temp folder, causing Windows to delete
> your old files.  Freenet did nothing improper in this regard, and I
> suspect that any other program which requires a lot of disk-space
> could have had a similar effect.
> My advice to avoid this type of thing again is:
>   1) Don't put important files in your temporary folder
>   2) Back up your hard disk regularly
> Again, I am sorry to hear of this inconvenience.
> Kind regards,
> Ian.
> On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 09:14:50PM +0100, Alex Volkmer wrote:
> > Good evening,
> >
> > Stephen Starr was so kind to give me your emailadress. I?ve mailed
> him because i have a little problem with your Freenet 0.5. About an
> hour ago I installed that little sucker. After installation it asked
> for a temp-folder. So I gae it my main temp-folder on my NAS-Server.
> To bad for me that this folder contains(-ed) more than 60 GB of data
> of different kinds. Because after telling Freenet 0.5 to use this
> folder, it deleted ALL of this 60 GB. All data gone. And with it over
> 6 months of work (Models in 3D-Studio Max, movies (my hole Babylon
> 5-Collection, almost all episodes), music, scripts etc.). And with
> gone I really mean gone. Many attempts to retrieve this data failed.
> >
> > So my question is: How the hell could this happen ??? Any idea ???
> >
> > Best regards
> >
> > Alex V.
> --
> Ian Clarke                ian@[freenetproject.org|locut.us|cematics.com]
> Latest Project                                 http://cematics.com/kanzi
> Personal Homepage         http://locut.us/

----- End forwarded message -----

Ian Clarke                ian@[freenetproject.org|locut.us|cematics.com]
Latest Project                                 http://cematics.com/kanzi
Personal Homepage                                       http://locut.us/

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