I agree with the current funds feature - it would be really helpful to know a 
lot more about the finance side, as far as I can see it will only encourage 
people to donate more, I think. And then I can point at my screen and say 
"mwuhahah thats mine that is" and feel strangely satisfied that I resisted the 
endless charity ads on Sky and put my money to a much more practical cause :P 
(if you're living in a third world country you might object to that comment)

On Mon, 03 Mar 2003 08:09:53 -0800 Matthew Toseland <toad at 
amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
>The Twiki lets me login, using my password, and then redirects to 
>home page. At which point, the login box reappars. I have no editing
>rights, and when I post to the forums, it shows me as Anonymous. 
>If we
>are going to fuck up the website, it would be nice to fix it before
>0.5.1. Also, the PayPal link on the Donations page doesn't show 
>up if
>you have (sensibly) told your mozilla not to load images from different
>origin servers... it needs to be extended back to the text as well. 
>have been told that mjr is working on that issue. And some way to
>display the current funds would be really nice.
>Matthew Toseland
>toad at amphibian.dyndns.org/amphibian at users.sourceforge.net
>Full time freenet hacker.
>Freenet Distribution Node (temporary) at

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