Ian Clarke (ian at locut.us) wrote:

> The <title> of the splitfile upload and download screens should contain 
> the % complete, so that users can see how things are progressing without 
> un-minimizing the browser window.  The % completeness should be the 
> first thing, and the title should be as concice as possible ie.
> "23% Downloaded - Filename.avi"

Also, the screen should update itself without the user having to
manually go to it and click "Update".  This is *ESPECIALLY* important
when the upload or download is completed.  If I come home and find
that my "CHK@" splitfile upload is still sitting there, and I click
"Update", and it tells me "Sorry, bogus context, dude, you're like,
too late", then I have to do it all over again to learn what the
CHK@ key is.

(Or I could use the command line.  But if this is affecting me, it's
going to affect others who *won't* be able to use the command line.)

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
greg at wooledge.org              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
http://wooledge.org/~greg/     |
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