On Sat, Mar 22, 2003 at 03:26:33PM -0800, Tracy R Reed wrote:
> PLEASE make it applicable to Linux also. I tried to get native FEC working
> a couple months ago and ran into the same problems as Ian and nobody on
> this list seemed to have any idea how to make it work.

I downloaded fec-lnux-x86.jar, added it to my classpath, restarted
freenet and it worked (no config changes necessary anymore). Ofcourse 
then it started crashing every 20 minutes and I removed it again, but
it does work in principle.

Frank v Waveren                                      Fingerprint: 21A7 C7F3
fvw@[var.cx|stack.nl|chello.nl] ICQ#10074100            1FF3 47FF 545C CB53
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