For updating my freenet node's IP, I have written a couple perl scripts that 
check my external IP via a dyndns provider's web page. If my IP changes, it 
sends an email with the new IP to a list of addresses, then changes my 
freenet.conf to have the new IP. I run the script every 2 hours with freenet 
checking the config every 5 min. Ideally, the rest of freenet has the wrong IP 
for me for max of just over 2 hours. Check out the fillament freesite downloads 
area for the 'ipstuff' package. Hopefully it should be available. I'm moving so 
I'm without internet for a couple weeks. Reskill should be inserting my site. 
My node wasn't figuring out its own external IP so I just scripted it. *Shrugs*

- FillaMent

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