I suggest detaching "bookmarks" from freenet.conf and putting them in a file 
like bookmarks.xml and having the distributed bookmarks.xml contain only mostly 
harmless freesites and/or indexes.  Users could then download bookmarks or make 
their own (possibly with additional tools) without dealing with the last lines 
of a over-500 line config file.

Rather than relying on TFE, TFEE and YoYo, I'd point people to other mechanisms 
for exchanging keys from the web interface(in particular invisible irc and 
frost freesites).  

Asking indexers to label "Potentially unlawful pornographic material" is an 
unreasonable burden on them, it's bad enough they take the trouble to look at 
some of the stuff they link to, and it already puts them on shaky legal ground 
without asking them to say "looks to me like it might be illegal in most of the 
world."  If you're looking to cover your ass, cover it yourself.  Seems to me 
the best way to cover your ass would be to keep arms-length from the content 
(don't link to sites not under your control, don't impose editorial guidelines 
on any inserters, of indexes or other content) so if anybody came knocking on 
your door about freenet content you get to say "hey, I just write peer to peer 
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