Build 593
java version "1.4.1_02"
Linux home 2.4.20 #16 SMP Fri May 9 01:10:19 PDT 2003 i686 unknown unknown

I was inserting a 200M file via frost when fred stopped responding. I
found this on the freenet console:

64 131072 byte check blocks in 22648ms.

My box didn't run out of physical RAM. The JVM probably hit it's limit.
128M I think? I could add the -Xmx384MB back on (this might be why I added
it in fact, I don't recall) but then my memory useage would jump up to
500M again and the box becomes unusable. I think I'll have to stick with
inserting small files with frost for now. Actually, I think I'll try
inserting that file again via the fred interface and see what happens.

Tracy Reed
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