On Fri, May 16, 2003 at 05:03:22AM +0000, jrandom wrote:
> Ok, lots of chatting on IRC today about updatable keys, spawned by
> "<toad_> we must do something about this silly edition site prejudice"
> Almost two hours later, I think we've got something.
> Proposal:
> Add a new key type that supports secure sites that:
> - are like edition sites that can be bookmarked
> - are like DBR sites, but don't dissapear when they aren't inserted
> - doesn't allow people to delete their content
> - allows people to backtrack to old versions without much trouble
> Summary:
> There are two parts to the proposal - a new key type and some supporting
> metadata.  The new Time Updatable Key (TUK) contains in its payload 
> only the latest site edition number.  The TUK itself is signed by 
> the site's owner, and nodes throughout freenet have access to the update 
> date through standard datastore/FNP mechanisms.  Whenever a TUK
> collision occurs, the one with the latest timestamp wins, replacing the
> old version.  

Important point: this occurs not only on inserts, but also, when we make
a request, we keep going, fetching later versions if they are available,
until we run out of HTL or reach the desired timestamp.
> So, here we are with a new key containing a value that can be updated.  
> Typical (proper) usage would have the TUK contain an ever increasing 
> edition number (or milliseconds since epoch, for you DBR fans).

Right, TUKs must only contain a 32-bit integer, encrypted, and the
updated time, plaintext (but obviously rounded up by the client),
for optimizing queries.
> The way the TUK would be made useful would be by adding support for
> TUKs to SSKs, ala 
> DateRedirect.UseTUK=true
> or
> Redirect.UseTUK=true
> The TUK itself is located at TUK@<pk>,<entropy>/<name>-TUK/
> where <pk> and <name> are the same as from the SSK
> (this we didn't discuss on IRC, or maybe we did and I missed it.  toad?)
> This way, when a site is inserted at SSK@<key>,<entropy>/<name>//
> containing Redirect.UseTUK=true, fred looks for 
> TUK@<key>,<entropy>/<name>-TUK/
> Once it finds a TUK it redirects the action to 
> SSK@<key>,<entropy>/<TUKvalue>-<name>/
> where TUKvalue is the content in the TUK.
> People can go to the beginning by attempting to fetch 
> SSK@<key>,<entropy>/0-<name>/
> (or, for that damn Colours author, SSK@<key>,<entropy>/f640c0-<name>/)
> While a malicious author attempting to make backtracking hard can do so
> (by not using monotonously incrementing 0 originated numbers as TUK values), 
> normal freesite authors should have a link to their explicit edition (ala 
> movable 
> type permalinks):
> <a href="/SSK@<pk>,<entropy>/<TUKvalue>-<name>//index.html">this version</a>
> and a link to the bookmarkable, updating page:
> <a href="/SSK@<pk>,<entropy>/<name>//index.html">this site</a>
> The threat of Big Scary Dood coming over and forcing the normal freesite 
> author
> to update their TUK pointing at content they don't approve of to a "cleansed"
> version is minimal, as reasonably normal people can decrement to previous 
> version
> (e.g. SSK@<pk>,<entropy>/5-<name>// to SSK@<pk>,<entropy>/4-<name>//)
> Malicious TUK-based freesites however aren't necessarily so easy to decrement.
> Is there anything I've missed toad?  Does anyone have any questions, 
> problems, or
> suggestions?  I know TUKs have been discussed off and on for long periods of 
> time -
> does this address the qualms people had with previous proposals?  This is all 
> based
> on the point of view of the normal freesite development - anyone care to 
> comment from
> the perspective of FMB/Frost?
> -jrandom
> (btw, I have the irc log from this afternoon discussing this that I 
> can post up on a freesite (if toad has no objections).  Its only 24k.)
> !+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+
> CryptoMail provides free end-to-end message encryption.  
> http://www.cryptomail.org/   Ensure your right to privacy.
> Traditional email messages are not secure.  They are sent as
> clear-text and thus are readable by anyone with the motivation
> to acquire a copy.
> !+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+
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