* toad <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> [2006-09-25 14:03:20]:

> Well is there anything wrong with DSAGroupGenerator, the part of the
> code we actually used?

Somehow yes ... we were generating a "short" h whereas the spec says
it could be up to p-1.
That might be an exploitable flow and fixing it doesn't break backward
compatibility, hence I've done it.

Now, as we are changing the code, we might seize the occasion to
generate stronger groups, following updated versions of the FIPS

---> In a world without fences nor walls - who needs windows and gates ? 

On peut ob??r aux lois en souhaitant qu'elles changent, comme on sert ? la 
guerre en souhaitant la paix. 
Merleau Ponty "L'?loge de la philosophie"
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