Am Sonntag, 17. August 2008 11:06:06 schrieb Julien Cornuwel:
> digitale a ?crit :
> > I have Frost running on a different machine to the node, it has been
> > working well for many months.
> >
> > I have just noticed that Frost can no longer connect to the node. I can
> > get Frost working by installing it on the same computer as the node.
> >
> > It?s as if the latest update has started to ignore the fcp.allowedHosts
> > setting which lists the ip address of the second machine. I can still
> > access fproxy from the second machine.
> >
> > Both machines are running Windows, no configuration has recently changed.
> Same problem here, except both machines are running Linux. Frost always
> says that the node isn't running... Even weirder : jSite works perfectly.

How often have you tested this?

I'm having similar problems, but it seems there is some luck involved there: 
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Also, frost gets disconnected 
fairly often during a single session. (Which is obviously bad for board 


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