* Sven-Ola T?cke <sven-ola at gmx.de> [2008-03-03 23:34:01]:

> Hey devs,
> I still want to build a freenet client for embedded devices (my target: 
> mips). 
> Can you please give me a pointer where to grab missing sources.

svn co http://freenet.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/freenet/src/freenet/support/io/ 

> Something closed here?

No :)

> root at MH03N648R5A00003157792:/usr/src/freenet-v1118/contrib/NativeThread# 
> make
> rm -f freenet/support/io/NativeThread.class *.class NativeThread.h 
> libNativeThread*.so
> javac java/NativeThread.java
> File java/NativeThread.java is missing
> Ref: http://emu.freenetproject.org/pipermail/devl/2007-December/296282.html
> Thank you,
> // Sven-Ola

You will probably need to export the CLASSPATH variable... Use something
like :
CLASSPATH=.:freenet-stable-latest.jar:freenet-ext.jar make
to build the library.

When it's built, you should put it into the lib/ folder of you node (the
current node won't attempt to load it from the -ext.jar file on mips)

By all means, keep us posted on how freenet works on embedded systems :)

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