Some flattery from Frost.

----- DukeMorbid at pJG2xuLir6RYDAU2_DXvUAgcLQs ----- 2008.03.12 - 
18:54:17GMT -----

We report that we are highly satisfied with the current state of Freenet.

Uploading Freesites has been quick and reliable since we migrated to 0.7.

Downloading freesites is often nearly as quick as using the conventional 
internet (we regularly clean our node). Sites with multiple cat images come 
down remarkably fast.

We haven't tried uploading large files because our bandwidth is small, however 
we have tested downloading big files. Downloading seems on a par with eMule 
but not with bittorrent.

We declare Freenet fit for purpose (with the proviso that we don't know what 
the effect of upscaling to a large number of nodes will be.)

We urge caution about promoting Freenet widely until either the Frost spam 
issue is resolved or an alternative anonymous means is found for people to 
announce new sites.

His Grace, Duke Morbid hath spoken unto you.
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