Dear community,

Most of you are probably aware that I was the one wearing the BOFH cap
and doing the sysadmin work on the project's server (emu). I am using a past
 tense here because I am not anymore; I resigned.

Like iakin, dolphin and others who did that tedious task before, I feel like
 it is time for me to move on. It has been 5 years since I started
cutting my teeth on dodo (at the time 0.7's development was starting)...
Since then a lot happened, some of which I am proud and some of which I
am not. We switched from a hosted vhost to a dedicated machine, we
upgraded the hardware several times, we even moved the server into another

Overall I am satisfied with the current architecture and setup. It has a
fairly low maintenance cost and is quite reliable. Of course we had
outages, but if you look to the global picture, not that much.

While I could go in large here about the reasons pushing me to make the
move, I won't. Those things belong to my flog, if anywhere. Most of you
know that I am firmly opposed to most of the decisions taken by the
project lately and disagree with the current directions... Even though I
still agree with the statement of purpose of the project.

To whom will take over: I leave a running system in your hands, we had a
recent security-related problem, but I did ensure it has been contained.
Most documentation is lying in /root/notes. Good luck and take good care
 of Emu; That animal just needs little love and care to survive :p

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