Am Thursday 20 August 2009 16:24:44 schrieb Matthew Toseland:
> 9fe7b39acdf5c71a43a32c4787f1cb95637a5458
> ArchivePutHandler.onEncode:
> container.activate(BaseManifestPutter.this, 2);
> This is risky! If maps get activated to depth 1 then really bad things
> happen in my experience, they need to be activated to depth 2. Activating
> to depth 1 then depth 2 does not solve the problem. Also, the map has a
> list inside it, i'd expect more activation issues.
> PutHandler constructor: - should probably
> specify depth, likewise with two below.
> ContainerPutHandler.onEncode(): on the root container handler, we should
> store BaseMetadataPutter.this, not this, no? In the other branch, you
> haven't activated putHandlersTransformMap, etc.
> ContainerPutHandler.onSuccess(): activated contaienrPutHandlers?? And you
> don't store it when you remove from it.
> ExtPutHandler.onMetadata : activate putHandlersWaitingForMetadata. In
> container mode, explicitly store (this), the depth limited store of the
> maps won't save the metadata.
> MetaPutHandler.onEncode() : metadata.resolve() : should store it? But also
> does it allow to complete upstream resolutions? I guess deferring that to
> onSuccess is okay, and may even be safer; in the rest of the code that is
> determined by the earlyEncode flag though... and if you want to support
> that properly, we might not be finished by the time of onSuccess chaining
> to super.onSuccess.
> PutHandler?.onBlockSetFinished : store(collection) with no depth again,
> probably bad
> containerMode vs freeformMode - these are mutually exclusive and the only
> options? how about a single boolean, or an enum? Hmmm, apparently not, it
> changes in getRootContainer().
> would be nice to document putHandlersTransformMap
some comments added at variable decaration in 
> start() : why activate putHandlerWaitingForBlockSets?
> makeMetadata() : you are sure this works? I had horrible problems with
> individually activating maps inside maps, and imho it follows directly from
> the fact that if you activate a map to depth 1 it works but is empty, and
> will not fill up when you activate it to depth 2; you must deactivate it
> before activating to depth 2 (which loads the elements).
> blockSetFinished() : purpose of the deactivate()?
> difference between ArchivePutHandler and ContainerPutHandler should be
> documented.
some comments added in a34fd1794005b71cf7c04c16973aa80fe9f63653

> ContainerBuilder constructor : do the EMPTY_CHK_URI need cloning or are
> they cloned in ArchivePutHandler/ContainerPutHandler constructor anyway?
> ***
ContainerBuilder is in the first place an 'internal' thing, so the caller is 
responsible for clone if neccessary. ArchivePutHandler/ContainerPutHandler 
clone them.
comment added in b40a7990ca8953ed87c4cd44f81163fb65aa6c75 

> 36694fd123278b00235d1769fd085763fdba0a8e
> getCompressorsArray : trim codec

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