On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Florent Daigniere
<nextgens at freenetproject.org> wrote:
> Modern compression algorithms allow FAST decompression. We are talking
> 10 to 20 times faster here!
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lempel-Ziv-Markov_chain_algorithm
> # Compression speed: approximately 1 MiB per second on a 2 GHz CPU
> # Decompression speed: 10-20 MiB per second on a 2 GHz CPU
> Anyway, the assumption is and has always been that CPU cycles are cheap
> contrary ?to network traffic. Moore's law doesn't apply to networks.

It does, in fact.   Networks are just a combination of processing,
storage, and connectivity. Each of those is itself a combination of
processing, storage, and connectivity. At the limit of this recusion
the performance of all of these, except the connectivity, is driven by
transistor density? Moore's law.

There is a *ton* of available bandwidth on optical fibers. For the
communication part we have Butter's law: "Butters' Law says the amount
of data coming out of an optical fiber is doubling every nine

It took me a day to find a graph of historical wholesale internet transit

(In fact, this graph appears to be overstating the current cost for
bulk rate transit. Advertised pricing at the gbit port level is down
to $2/mbit/sec/month from some cut-rate providers; negotiated prices
can be lower still)

Of course, Freenet does a lot of network criss-crossing... this shifts
the balance in favour of stronger compression but that doesn't
magically make compression that only gives a 1% reduction a win.

[1] http://www.eetimes.com/story/OEG20000926S0065

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