On Tuesday 06 January 2009 15:02, Florent Daigniere wrote:
> >>>> They are concerned by their bandwidth not being sucked up? Fine! Turn 
> >>>> them into seednodes, create a distribution toadlet, create a special 
> >>>> mode where they would only serve UoMs (and would be registered by 
> >>>> seednodes as such)... They are plenty of solutions to max out their 
> >>>> upload bandwidth usage if that's what they want their node to do!
> >>> Don't you think that more opennet peers for fast nodes, and maybe fewer 
> > for 
> >>> really slow nodes, would improve performance for everyone?
> >> Fewer peers for slow nodes would help in terms of latency; I'm not sure 
> >> about more for fast nodes.
> > 
> > Fewer peers for slow nodes would improve the average bandwidth per peer, 
> > therefore enable faster nodes to handle more requests. More peers for fast 
> > nodes would enable faster nodes to handle more requests directly, since 
> > now they are bottlenecked by the average. The average bandwidth per peer 
> > would rise and everyone benefits. The only problem is over-dependance on 
> > nodes, which is why we would impose an upper bound on the maximum number 
> > opennet peers. Probe requests consistently show the network is around 1000 
> > live nodes at any time, so IMHO the upper limit should be no more than 50.
> >>> Given that our 
> >>> current load management limits a node's performance by the number of its 
> >>> peers multiplied by the average bandwidth per peer on the network?
> >>>
> >> IMHO it's a lot more trickier to do than to bump one constant! Anyway, 
> >> that's not the point: the point is you're about to merge a new 
> >> client-layer AND considering to change yetAnotherParameter which might 
> >> have network wide effects in the meantime. All of that in a short 
> >> timeframe and right before a release (unless I missed something the 
> >> release is still planned for "soon")!
> > 
> > What does the new client layer have to do with anything? Oh, you think it 
> > have negative network effects because people will not keep their nodes 
> > running for so long ... whereas I think it will have positive network 
> > because people's nodes will not be overloaded for hours after startup ...
> >> It's bad practice.
> >>
> If you change everything at the same time we won't ever know which 
> theory is the right one ;)

This may be a fair point, but given that it will likely take some time for any 
effect to manifest itself clearly, what can we do?
> >> Suppose things get screwed up (or drastically improve): how will you say 
> >> which of your changes have caused it? It's not like the theoreticians 
> >> knew for sure what the effects are going to be: they said "it shouldn't 
> >> break things" ... not that it won't or can't.
> > 
> > Right now I'm working on the history cloaking code, necessary because we 
> > rid of firefox.
> I'm not convinced it's necessary... but well :|
> > Hopefully after that I can do some work on the client layer. 
> > If this (scaling peers with bandwidth) was agreed, it could be implemented 
> > immediately; it's likely it'll be at least another month before the new 
> > client layer goes in.
> Huh; I thought the merge was imminent.

It is. :| Apart from distractions such as history cloaking, there are several 
components not finished yet, and large inserts still OOM.
- Finish and test dead data structure removal.
- Implement dead buckets removal.
- Major debugging on (or elimination of) the blob buckets code.
- Prefer requests on recently successful high-level requests.
- Possibly segmentise inserts. Certainly debug OOMs which are still happening 
on large inserts.

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