On Monday 05 January 2009 22:23, vive wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 07:19:35PM +0000, Matthew Toseland wrote:
> > On Monday 05 January 2009 14:27, vive wrote:
> > There are quite a few places on the wiki where parts of the design are 
> > documented ... these are usually way out of date.
> > > 
> > > One could of course read the code ... but it may also be hard to get the
> > > high-level description right-away from many details of lower-level 
code. :-)
> > > Is it possible that someone who has insight into the details of the 
> > heuristics
> > > could write a short description?
> > 
> > The sinking strategy is simply that we cache in the store only when an 
> > is on a node which is closer to the target than any of its peers. Do you 
> > more details on the routing heuristics? Or to start a more general debate 
> > how much detailed internal documentation we should make, where we should 
> > it etc?
> I have understood how sinking works, but other major heuristics with routing 
> storage would be really great to see documented! I am not the guy to analyze 
> level of (overall) detail is best for the whole project. But these things 
have to
> go into the simulation sooner or later to make it more realistic.

Agreed, we should document in greater detail, with more consistency, and all 
together in one place, how Freenet works. Much of it is scattered over the 
wiki at present so it may make sense to try to tie together and update what 
we already have. However, I do not have time for anything not related to 
shipping 0.8.0. I will be happy to review documentation once it is written, 
but I DO NOT have time to build it.
> /v.
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