On Monday 29 December 2008 15:56, j16sdiz at freenetproject.org wrote:
> Author: j16sdiz
> Date: 2008-12-29 15:56:55 +0000 (Mon, 29 Dec 2008)
> New Revision: 24821
> Added:
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/db/
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/db/Config.java
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/db/Page.java
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/db/PageTimeStampComparator.java
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/db/PerstRoot.java
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/db/Status.java
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/db/Term.java
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/db/TermPosition.java
> Removed:
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/Config.java
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/MaxPageId.java
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/Page.java
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/Status.java
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/Term.java
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/TermPosition.java
> Modified:
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/IndexWriter.java
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/XMLSpider.java
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/web/ConfigPage.java
>    trunk/plugins/XMLSpider/web/MainPage.java
> Log:
> Port the whole thing to PERST
> Less disk i/o, faster processing, lessor CPU, messier code

Yay, now we depend on 3 databases!

It looks like cleaner code to me, well, at least XMLSpider.java itself is a 
lot cleaner... Perst always seemed to fit a lot more comfortably into the 
java way of doing things than db4o, with good collections (unlike db4o), 
garbage collection (unlike db4o) etc; it's a set of persistent types rather 
than being a queryable database, but that's often better, although there are 
definitely cases where db4o queries, or automatic index updating, have 
simplified things significantly ... Using accessors everywhere avoids the 
need to explicitly store affected objects? Actually w.r.t. accessors 
automatically storing, that IS possible in db4o - you just have to store the 
container in the load-into-memory callback. The only reason I don't do that 
in the client layer is that passing around the container in arguments makes 
it very easy to discover when I accidentally run database code on the wrong 
thread... messy though.

I believe Perst does still have the corrupts-the-database-on-out-of-disk-space 
bug though ... all 3 databases had this, but they fixed it in db4o when I 
reported it.

Are you using multiple transactions simultaneously? Always calling to root and 
thereby automatically not getting cached objects when there is a rollback is 
interesting, rollback on db4o is too much of a PITA to be used routinely. On 
the other hand, on db4o I can keep stuff in RAM and just use it, provided I 
only access the database on one thread...

What's up with the assert !isPersistent()'s e.g. in Config? AFAICS Config is 
always persistent ...

PS Term.MD5 : you don't need to create the md5hash before you assign to it. 
And convertToHex : we have a perfectly good bytesToHex in HexUtil, please 
avoid duplication unless you have a good reason.
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