On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Juiceman<juiceman69 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Zero3<zero3 at zerosplayground.dk> wrote:
>> Juiceman skrev:
>>> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 8:37 PM, Zero3<zero3 at zerosplayground.dk> wrote:
>>>> Juiceman skrev:
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Zero3<zero3 at zerosplayground.dk> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Juiceman skrev:
>>>>>>> I'm working on the update.cmd script handling these binaries... it
>>>>>>> seems the .sha1 of all of these files is blank on the website. ?The
>>>>>>> wrappers, start.exe, stop.exe and the freenetlauncher.exe. ?I'll need
>>>>>>> that fixed please to continue my work ?;-)
>>>>>> Cool! Remember to update freenettray.exe as well.

I think I have finished update.cmd to handle all of the binaries.
I have these sections of the script bypassed until non-blank .sha1's
of the files on the website can be generated and Zero3 can finish the
freenettray.exe utility.  Once those are done, I can fully test those
sections of the script and wire them in for final release.
We don't necessarily need to wait for the freenettray.  The sha1's
will let me do most of the work that remains...

Balls in your court gentlemen.  =)

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death, your right to say it. - Voltaire
Those who would give up Liberty, to purchase temporary Safety, deserve
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