The basic answer is that plugins should be written to a defined, fixed, 
sandboxed, external API. But there is no such API. We will need to implement 
one eventually. But this takes considerable time, which could be spent on 
things which give a more direct benefit to end users in terms of  usability, 
performance or security.

On Thursday 23 July 2009 00:12:15 Evan Daniel wrote:
> I've been slowly working on writing a plugin for Freenet over the past
> couple weeks.  (Details aren't particularly relevant to what follows;
> for the curious, it's a microblogging / chat application aiming at
> keeping latencies as low as possible.  RFC available at
> USK at 
> cF9ctaSzA8w2JAfEqmIlN49tfrPdz2Q5M68m1m5r9W0,NQiPGX7tNcaXVRXljGJnFlKhnf0eozNQsb~NwmBAJ4k,AQACAAE/Fritter-site/1/
> )
> Having not written much actual Freenet code before, I'm learning a lot
> about how Freenet works in the process -- which is harder than it has
> any reason to be.  Why?  NOTHING IS DOCUMENTED.  For example, after
> retrieving some text from Freenet, my plugin would like to display it
> on a web page, including filtering it so that it doesn't break
> anything, even in the case of malicious input.  The method
> HTMLEncoder.encode() sounds like it ought to do that.  Let's take a
> look at the Javadoc:
> encode
> public static java.lang.String encode(java.lang.String s)
> That's it.  Nothing about what the method is supposed to do.  So,
> after hunting through several source files (when reading the Javadoc
> should have sufficed), I have a fairly good sense of what the method
> does.  I'm pretty sure it doesn't do precisely what I'm looking for
> (though the HTML specs are complicated enough, and I don't know them
> well enough, that I'm not certain either way).  Neither the Javadoc
> nor inline comments reference any standard that it is trying to
> conform to.  If there was a contract specified, I could fairly easily
> determine whether that contract matched what I needed -- and therefore
> whether I should be writing my own function or submitting a patch (or
> whether I'm misreading the relevant specs, for that matter).

HTMLEncoder is supposed to encode text so that it can be safely inserted into 
HTML, as its name suggests. It is used widely and hopefully it is sufficient.
> If this were an isolated incident, it wouldn't matter much.  It isn't.
>  It is the norm for Freenet.  For a platform whose primary impediment
> to wider adoption (IMO, of course) is a lack of things to do with it,
> rather than a lack of underlying functionality, this is a problem.  I
> haven't tracked it, but I wouldn't be surprised if I've spent nearly
> as much time trying to figure out how the plugin API works (or even
> which classes it consists of) as I have actually writing code.

That is an interesting theory. I guess since we have a load of money from 
Google it would be possible to spend some time on the plugin API???
> In case I haven't made my point yet, here are a few questions I've
> had.  Can anyone point me to documentation that answers them (Javadoc
> or wiki)?  I've spent some time looking, and I haven't found it.  Most
> (but not all) I've answered for myself by reading lots of Freenet code
> -- a vastly slower process.  Some of them I believe represent bugs.
> How do I make a request keep retrying forever?

Set maxRetries to -1

> How do I determine whether a ClientGetter represents an active request?


> Are there any circumstances under which ClientGetCallback.onSuccess()
> will be called more than once, and do I need to handle them?

Shouldn't be, if there are it's a bug.

> Why doesn't ClientGetCallback.onFetchable() get called (more than a
> trivial time) before onSuccess()?

You mean ClientPutCallback, right? This should probably be gotten rid of, it's 
only relevant if EarlyEncode is enabled.

> How do I guarantee that an insert won't generate a redirect?

Stay within the size limit for the key type, don't set a MIME type or target 
filename (you *can* set an SSK filename).

> What, if anything, should I be doing with this "ObjectContainer
> container" that gets passed around everywhere?

If you see that you are looking at a fairly low level API not really intended 
for plugins. Unfortunately the official API (HLSC) is very limited. For 
transient requests, the container is always null.

> Under what circumstances will I see a FetchException or
> InsertException thrown when using the HighLevelSimpleClient?

When a fetch or insert fails? :)

> Why does the Hello World plugin break if I turn it into a FredPluginHTTP?

No idea offhand.
> None of these seem like overly complex or unexpected questions for
> someone trying to write a plugin for Freenet.  They should all be
> answerable by reading documentation.
> On a closely related note, here are a few related issues -- imho they
> need fixes in the code, but proper documentation of the actual
> behavior would have left me far less confused when debugging:
> FreenetURI.setDocName(String) doesn't.

Yes it does, but FreenetURI is immutable or almost immutable - it returns the 
new URI.

> Creating a ClientSSK from a FreenetURI and then attempting to insert a
> file to it throws an exception about "wrong extra bytes" even though
> the extra bytes are unchanged from the FreenetURI the node generated
> for me.

You need an InsertableClientSSK. Again you are using a low level interface and 
complaining that it isn't well documented. I agree it should be, but it is 
internal code, not external API. Sadly right now all we have pretty much is 
internal code...

> At this point, I think I have a much better understanding of why
> Freenet has so little software that makes use of it, despite the fact
> that Freenet itself seems to work fairly well.

Sorting out the plugin API might take months. Do we have the time?
> Evan Daniel
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