On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Matthew
Toseland<toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> - Easy insert of freesites. We need a good freesite insertion wizard, a 
> plugin as part of the base install. Maybe another attempt at an easy blogging 
> wizard too.
> - Better, integrated, attack resistant, easy to use, fast, chat. Negative 
> trust issues may or may not be important, depending on the deployment, likely 
> not a problem in the short term anyway. Embedded chat forums would probably 
> work well...
> - Microblogging.

(I'll reply to the rest in detail later.)

For these three things, I think the biggest thing you could do would
be documentation of what currently exists of the plugins API.
Obviously I only speak for myself, and of possible such applications
mine is the least developed, but that's what I'd find helpful.  I've
considered taking what I've learned and turning it into a piece of
example code that's very simple, but demonstrates a bit more than the
HelloWorld plugin.  For example, it would demonstrate basic plugin
loading, and a little of how to use the HLSC.  If you think that would
be useful, I can probably put such a thing together today (depends how
much real life interferes).

The second thing would be to address
Right now I see latencies in testing of typically 15-40 seconds, with
30 seconds as a typical number.  I suspect it could be much better.

Evan Daniel

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