On Wednesday 29 July 2009 03:52:26 you wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 4:55 PM, Matthew
> Toseland<toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> > AFAICS no. I'm not saying we should go with a static only host, I'm saying 
> > we shouldn't
> > make dynamic that which doesn't need to be, on grounds of CPU cost (which 
> > determines
> > responsiveness in practice). Modern systems (even apache 2 to a reasonable 
> > degree)
> > can serve static content ridiculously fast, that's not true of dynamic 
> > content.
> Oh come on now, this argument is just as implausible.  Are you
> seriously claiming that there will be a consequential difference in
> speed (in terms of user experience) between a statically served page,
> and a page that is dynamically generated in response to a simple test
> of a HTTP header?
> Research I've seen is that response time only has a measurable effect
> if its over 100ms, and only a perceptible slowness if its over 700ms.
> I can't believe that, unless we're running our web server on an Atari
> 800XL, that there will be any significant difference in response time
> just because the page is dynamically generated.

VMs can be very slow, in terms of time-slicing CPUs. And Google bills by CPU 
time. In both cases, for any sensible implementation, the CPU cost of sending a 
static web page which is frequently accessed is essentially nil, and the cost 
of running a script is considerably more than that. However, if it is 
implemented by a redirect in the apache config it is probably fast enough.

When we have had slashdots, we have often had performance issues even with a 
dedicated server (which is vastly more powerful than any VM or shared hosting 
service). Although these have been due to configured limits in apache, or 
possibly to logging to a database.
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