On Thursday 30 July 2009 14:56:07 Mike Bush wrote:
> 2009/7/30 Daniel Cheng <j16sdiz+freenet at gmail.com>:
> > (to toad@, ?cc devl@ ?and infinity0@ )
> >
> > On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 9:28 PM, Mike Bush<mpbush at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Yeah we are both working on freenet/plugin-Library-Staging.
> >> I haven't pushed the FredPluginAPI thing to freenet, it's in
> >> platy/fred-staging. Yesterday some problems with the way it is
> >> supposed to work was pointed out, that the plugins each have their own
> >> classloader so they cant share classes. Maybe we could also put that
> >> in the API thing to share classloaders, Infinity0's been looking into
> >> it too.
> >
> > hmmm....
> > The classloader problem is uneasy, it can't be solved without
> > a full blown plugin dependency framework -- which I don't
> > think you can complete in the GSoC timeframe.

What exactly is the problem with "a full blown plugin dependancy framework"? As 
long as dependancies are not circular, all we really need to do is declare our 
dependancies, not load until they are loaded, and chain our classloader to 
their classloader, no? We would have to compile these dependancies in at build 
time, just as we do with required ext.jar versions for the node... but it's 
> >
> > I think you should do what WoT / Freetalk is using ?- use FredPluginFCP.
> > In which data are serialize before sending between plugins and
> > no classes are shared between plugins.
> I think this will be ok for connecting Spider to Library but for
> Interdex it is too much work, infinity0 could we combine Interdex into
> Library and just have the 2 plugins?
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