Its that time again.  Grab your girlfriends, boyfriends, flatmates,
friends etc, sit them down in front of a computer, and ask them to
install and use Freenet.  Take careful note of anywhere they get stuck
and either report it here, or report a bug.  DON'T HELP THEM!  Any
time they need to ask you a question, its a usability bug.  Ask them
to provide a running commentary on what they are seeing as they use
Freenet, make a note of anything that confuses or misleads them.

Freenet has long been derided for its poor usability, but if you can
spend 10 minutes of your's and a friend's time, you can really help us
ensure that newbies have a good experience when they try Freenet.


Ian Clarke
CEO, Uprizer Labs
Email: ian at
Ph: +1 512 422 3588
Fax: +1 512 276 6674

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