On Tuesday 16 June 2009 22:38:26 Ian Clarke wrote:
> Some notes on the website from a friend of mine who does usability work:
> i'd remove the cup image from the store because it becomes the most
> prominent element on the page next to the logo itself.

Agreed, current plan is to make the menu horizontal, in which case there would 
be nowhere to put it and it would just become a menu item (as text)... imho the 
current design with the logo and the vertical menu wastes a lot of space.

> I'd make the what is freenet bolder and at the top.
> maybe even pull it out as a quote
> FREENET -- share, publish and browse files anonymously

Maybe lose the "files" ? "Freenet: Share, chat and browse anonymously" ?

Would replace the current "What is Freenet?", be the top thing below the title 
/ menu bar..

To avoid confusion: "Share, chat and browse anonymously on the Free Network" ??

That's what I've put up at the moment, and made it a <h2> for more emphasis.

> that's all I need to know to know if I am on the right page or not.
> then you can have the expanded "what is freenet" section.
> i think the quote is great but needs to go on an about page or something
> because it's the reason "behind" the software not the software itself.

> the other thing i'd do is make a very prominent download button with a
> version or something.
> let me find a good example of what i mean
> http://jquery.com/
> it's easy to find the download and i know without downloading if I am
> already current

Okay, I've put up the button the students made, but we really need a better 
one, preferably with the version number and in an easy to edit form so we can 
update the version as needed (give us the original gimp files). Anyone able to 
improve on the current button? The drop-shadow is excessive, Ian would prefer 
something more firefoxy.

Or should we have the version separately, as on his page below?
> the last thing i'd mention is that you should fix the maximum width of
> the text on the page. when you expand it too far then it becomes
> unreadable

Not sure I understand this one. It seems to scale fine on Firefox for me.
> i still very much like your logo, i wish that it played a more
> prominent roll somehow.

Thanks Clement/Dieppe and the students for that one. IMHO there should be 
something next to it, the obvious thing is a horizontal menu.
> the site does look more "clean" than it did which is great i just
> think that at this point you need to start adding content back in and
> starting to organize whats most important to the user.

IMHO we haven't lost any content.
> take this for example
> http://skitch.com/heavysixer/bwcxd/firefox
> this is for the bank ally i think they have a similar structure to
> freenet in terms of getting people to understand the product and move
> to the next step.
> i've overlaid what i'd do if I were designing the site for you on top
> of what they have now.
> it seems more expressive and clear to me but not sure if that's what you think
> ignore my horrible grammar too
> it's a sketch!


You would keep the vertical menu - doesn't a horizontal one save space and fit 
better with the logo positioning?

Then replace the News section with screenshots ... anyone have any opinions 
about this? Clearly we would need to mention the version on or near the Get 
Freenet button ... Screenshots might help in terms of selling Freenet, although 
it has to look good in that case ... and we'd need the News page to maybe be 
more prominent, ideally with an RSS feed...
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