Hello folks!

Some days ago, I've talked with nextgens about toadlet
continuations(it's asynchronous request processing), and he had a
point that when the user opens a site with lots of images, then it
needs many connections open for a long time, and it spawns many
threads at serverside, which is resource demanding and some OSes don't
allow. The browser has a maximum connection limit to the site, but the
user can overwrite it. But at the default, firefox opens only 2-3
connections to fetch the images, this way freenet don't start all the
fetching, just what is requested. So one problem is that if a user
alters the browser's config, then it will result many threads, if not,
then freenet can't download all the content simultanously.
I think with pushing, I'm working on, can be a solution for both
problems. When the page loads, freenet start fetching all the images,
and the browser gets the progress with 1 permanent connection. There
can be an image eg. "Image is loading...10%" and after some progress
change to 20% and so on, and when finishes downloading, it shows or
says eg. "Image finished loading, click to display". If it's done, we
don't need continuations anymore. Ofc it would need javascript to be

What you think?


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