Hi all,

First, let's see the current situation :

#Navigation :

9 items is really the max we can afford. Currently there are 9 items, but they 
aren't all necessary, and can confuse the newbies.

#Browse Freenet page :

The ?Search Freenet? field and bookmarks are definitly a good thing.
However, why do we have :
?Fetch a key? : we don't want to fetch a key, we want to browse Freenet.
?Version Information & Node Control? : we don't care, we just want to browse 
?Current Activity? : idem

#Messages :

I agree we need to inform user when something is wrong. However, for the 
bookmarks, it's not the good place.
I don't think either that there should be one page just for the messages : 
sometimes there is no message, it just wastes space.

#Download and Upload :

No clear separation between dowloads and uploads.

#Plugins :

This is a mess : here we access the plugins, we can add an official plugin, we 
can add a plugin from an url, we can add a plugin from freenet.

#Connections to friends + connections to strangers :

Why 2 separate pages ? Why showing informations about the current activity of 
the node ?
All is mixed : managing nodes (adding/deleting) and showing their status. Why 
are the ports showed ?

#Statistics :

Nothing to say. It's just statistics. Maybe divide in several category.

#Internet Connection :

??? It doesn't even work here... And when it works, it shows debug 
informations or really advanced ones. Why a level 1 page for that ? (why a 
page for that in fact..)

#Configuration :

A big big mess. Really. When in simple mode, it's almost ok, but in advanced 
Why a link to the security levels just on side of mode switching buttons ? 
It's not even related.

#Mode switching :

It's a pita : I have to go in the advanced configuration page to change this, 
or to click on the button on each page

Now, what do I propose :

#Navigation :

##Menu :

(level 1, category : noun; level 2, action : verb)

Freesites :
=> Browse Freenet
=> Insert your own site (when available)

Filesharing :
=> Download files
=> Upload files

Discussion :
=> Talk with FreeTalk (when Freetalk available)

Status :
=> Show the {number of messages} messages (if there are some)
=> Show connections
=> Show statistics


Plugins (if required)
=> Plugin 1
=> Plugin 2
=> Plugin 3

Managing the node :

A always seeable (sorry for new words...) button 'Shutdown the node'  and 
'Restart the node'

Mode switching :

Idem with : 'Switch to {mode=simple?advanced:simple} mode'

#Details :

##Freesites :

###Browse Freenet :

if XMLLibrarian plugin is loaded, show the search freenet field, else, show a 
message like : 'if you want to search freesites, you have to load the 
XMLLibrarian plugin' followed by a button 'Load the plugin'

Then show bookmarks. If a bookmark is updated, highlight it.

That's all.

###Insert your freesite :

two solutions : 

not displaying it until we have a plugin for that

or display a message like 'This feature is not yet available. Please use 
?jSite / Thingamablog / the-other-freesite-manager-I-don't-remember-the-name? 
instead.' Possibility to add some instructions, like how to make a freesite 
available for all.

##Filesharing :

On both pages, at the exact same place :

Show the number of current downloads and uploads. 

###Downloads :

Field bulk download;
Show the progress of downloads.
Propose to clear all the finished downloads.
Propose to clear or stop the downloads one-by-one (as now).
Add a checkbox to all downloads, and propose and action for the selected dl 
(like in the connection to friends page).

###Uploads :

File :
Field 'Path' + Button browse.
Checkbox : upload through the browser

Insert as :
* CHK : explain what it is
* SSK/USK : idem
* KSK : idem + ask for the name

Insertion progress

##Talking :

see ?insert your freesite?

##Status :

###Messages :
as it is;

###Connections :

Number of connections : X
Friends : Y
Strangers : Z

Details :

Friends details : as it is
Strangers details : idem

Add a friend : (I'm not sure wether we should have a page for that or do that 
Your darknet ref :

Don't show the opennet ref : we don't need it, do we ?

###Statistics :

sub-menu :

node related things : (JVM + node version + datastore)
bandwith : bandwith usage + number of bits dl/ul 
misc : cpu, threads, generate thread dump, etc.

##Configuration :

sub-menus :

one per category (+ security level);

javascript could help here : we can keep in memory the changes in the 
configuration and have a global 'apply' button. 

+ plugins :

this interface is just to add plugins and configure them. Plugins should 
integrate in the ui. If not, they're put in the plugins menu.

So : 

a list of all official plugin with checkbox (already added plugins have a 
checked checkbox) + button configure (greyed if the plugin is not added).

'apply' button : all unchecked plugin are removed if they were previously 
activated, all checked plugins are added.

Field add a plugin from a uri (local, web, or freenet) : parse the uri to see 
which case it is, don't let the user do that for you. + button 'add' (add the 
plugin to the list, checked)

I think that's all.

Comments are *very* welcome of course :)

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