On Tuesday 26 May 2009 23:19:53 Evan Daniel wrote:
> 2009/5/26 xor <xor at gmx.li>:
> > On Tuesday 26 May 2009 22:02:37 xor wrote:
> >> On Thursday 07 May 2009 11:23:51 Evan Daniel wrote:
> >> > > Why exactly? Your post is nice but I do not see how it answers my
> >> > > question. The general problem my post is about: New identities are
> >> > > obtained by taking them from trust lists of known identities. An
> >> > > attacker therefore could put 1000000 identities in his trust list to
> >> > > fill up your database and slow down WoT. Therefore, an decision has
> >> > > to be made when to NOT import new identities from someone's trust
> >> > > list. In the current implementation, it is when he has a negative
> >> > > score.
> >>
> >> [...]
> >>
> >> > I have not examined the WoT code.  However, the Advogato metric has
> >> > two attributes that I don't think the current WoT method has: no
> >> > negative trust behavior (if there is a trust rating Bob can assign to
> >> > Carol such that Alice will trust Carol less than if Bob had not
> >> > assigned a rating, that's a negative trust behavior), and a
> >> > mathematical proof as to the upper limit on the quantity of spammer
> >> > nodes that get trusted.
> >> >
> >> > The Advogato metric is *specifically* designed to handle the case of
> >> > the attacker creating millions of accounts.  In that case, his success
> >> > is bounded (linear with modest constant) by the number of confused
> >> > nodes -- that is, legitimate nodes that have (incorrectly) marked his
> >> > accounts as legitimate.  If you look at the flow computation, it
> >> > follows that for nodes for which the computed trust value is zero, you
> >> > don't have to bother downloading their trust lists, so the number of
> >> > such lists you download is similarly well controlled.
> >>
> >> I have read your messages again and all your new messages and you are so
> >> convinced about advogato that I'd like to ask you more questions about
> >> how it would work, I don't want you to feel like everyone is ignoring
> >> you :) (- I am more of a programmer right now than a designer of
> >> algorithms, I concentrate on spending most available time on
> >> *implementing* WoT/FT because nobody else is doing it and it needs to
> >> get done... so I have not talked much in this discussion)
> >>
> >> Consider the following case, using advogato and not the current FMS/WoT
> >> alchemy:
> >>
> >> 1. Identity X is an occasional and trustworthy poster. X has received
> >> many positive trust values from hundreds of identities because it has
> >> posted hundreds of messages over the months, so it has a high score and
> >> capacity to give trust values, and all newbies will know about the
> >> identity and it's high score because it is well-integrated into the
> >> trust graph.
> >>
> >> 2. Now a spammer gets a single identity Y onto the trust list of X by
> >> solving a captcha, his score is very low because he has only solved a
> >> captcha but the score is there. Therefore, any newbie will see Y because
> >> X is well-integrated into the WoT
> >>
> >> 3. X is gone for quite some time due to inactivity, during that time Y
> >> creates 500 spam identities on his trust list and starts to spam all
> >> boards. X will not remove Y from his trust list because he is *away* for
> >> weeks.
> >
> > Also consider the case that instead of 500 new identities he just posts
> > 5000000 messages with his single identity Y. How do we get rid of Y?
> First, you rate limit messages.  I'm having trouble coming up with a
> case where I ever want my node downloading that many messages from one
> identity.

And how to find a practical rate limit?
Consider SVN/GIT/etc. log-bots: They post a single message for each commit to 
the repository.

> Second, after I read a few, I'll mark some as spam and the rest will
> go away.  From a practical standpoint, I don't really care about the
> difference between 5 messages, 500, or 500000 -- I'll read one, or a
> few, and then mark Y as a spammer.  I'll never see the rest.

Can a messaging system survive which will appear as "full of spam" to every 

Isn't it the core goal of the WoT to prevent *newbies* from seeing spam, to 
let the community design a set of ratings which prevents EVERYONE from having 
to manually mark spam/non spam, letting only a subset of the community doing 
the work and others can benefit from it?

I think thats what any algorithm needs to be able to do: Provide a nice first 
usage experience.

First usage = empty trust list. So this also applies to people who are to lazy 
to mark everything as spam which is spam. Which probably applies to > 50% of 
the users. So advogato would annoy >50% if I have not misunderstood it?

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