On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 1:10 AM, Matthew Toseland
<toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> On Saturday 23 May 2009 21:20:46 Florent Daigni?re wrote:
>> * Matthew Toseland <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> [2009-05-23 20:43:56]:
>> > sashee is working on making the web interface more dynamic. Google Web 
>> > Toolkit will be used to translate some java code into javascript, and then 
>> > this generated javascript will be built into Freenet in much the same way 
>> > as themes are.
>> >
>> > The problem is that we need to be able to rebuild it when somebody does an 
>> > ant distclean, e.g. when creating a signed jar to distribute as a stable 
>> > build.
>> >
>> > IMHO the best option is to put GWT, in source code form, without the 
>> > platform speciifc stuff (apparently we only need two jars to compile java 
>> > into javascript, they add up to 15MB), into the contrib repository, thus 
>> > keeping the fred repo clean. There is already a lot of third party code in 
>> > the contrib repository, and it is quite large, so IMHO this is not a 
>> > problem. Then when you do ant distclean in fred, it will wipe the 
>> > generated javascript, and then when you run ant, it will rebuild it. If 
>> > contrib is not unpacked in ../contrib then the build will fail.
>> >
>> > Another option would be to include the compiled jars in contrib (bad if 
>> > you want to do a full rebuild), or to just require GWT to be unpacked in 
>> > ../gwt . Any objections to my proposal, or support for other options?
>> Make ant download the appropriate version of GWT if needed. That's what
>> we use to do with the wrapper and other dependancies.
> We do this with freenet-ext.jar in fact. So that's okay. Ideally we would use 
> sha1test and thus fetch a clean copy, rather than just wget'ing it.

I thought the plan was no GWT java library in runtime, just use it in
build time.
If that is the case, freenet-ext.jar is not the way to go.

> Next question: Should we use the official GWT jars? Unfortunately, Google 
> does not distribute source tarballs. We could get a tagged version from their 
> SVN tree and build it ourselves, the problem then is that this is SVN and 
> thus vulnerable to MITMs. GWT is vast, it is not practical to review the 
> source even for the two jars we would be using (gwt-dev-linux.jar and 
> gwt-user.jar, total approx 15MB compiled code).

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