Because profile management on Chromium is not that easy than Firefox's...
This will certainely help you :
I use two chromium profiles here and it works surprisingly well.

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 6:19 PM, Ed Tomlinson <edt at> wrote:

> Hi,
> For a test I installed freenet on a windows 7 box.  All went well.  The new
> installation process is pretty simple.  One small bone to pick.  The first
> use wizard tells you NOT to use the same browser for freenet as you use
> normally - fine.  However there does not seem to be a way to configure
> 'Launch Freenet' from the systray to use your prefered browser.  I want to
> set it to use chrome...
> This should be easy but it does not seem to be...
> Thanks
> Ed
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