More evidence that Freenet can be reasonably fast when it feels like it... IMHO 
if we solve the data retention problems and then introduce bloom filter 
sharing, we could be looking at a considerable performance gain...

[21:03:31] <evanbd> saces: Your test files are all downloading successfully 
here.  Three have finished, three still going.
[21:04:50] <evanbd> Looks like overall rate is something like 80 KiB/s.
[22:17:58] <toad_> <evanbd> Looks like overall rate is something like 80 KiB/s.
[22:18:00] <toad_> evanbd: woah
[22:18:33] <toad_> evanbd: high transfer rate only for recently inserted data???
[22:19:23] <evanbd> Yeah.  Something like that.
[22:19:47] <toad_> evanbd: so sorting out data persistence should also improve 
performance considerably
[22:19:53] <evanbd> Also, it looked like it might have been cycling as it ran 
over the input bw limit (100 KiB/s) and back down
[22:19:59] <evanbd> Probably.
[22:19:59] <toad_> 80KB/sec on how big?
[22:20:17] <toad_> you said that's an overall rate computed from the time taken 
to fetch the data?
[22:20:57] <evanbd> 6 files, totalling 327MiB
[22:21:17] <toad_> nice, and that's overall average from time taken or 
instantanous transfer rate?
[22:21:27] <evanbd> Not precisely computed.  That was based on Freenet's total 
input bw being a bit higher than that.
[22:21:39] <toad_> ah well that's not necessarily the same thing :)
[22:21:53] <toad_> can you get a timing for the next one? or ... hmmm, i think 
we report it in FCP?
[22:22:06] <evanbd> It's not inconsistent with the total time to fetch, though.
[22:22:08] <toad_> i think we report time started and finished in FCP - connect 
and do a ListPersistentRequests
[22:22:28] <toad_> hmmm, you are fairly sure it's in that range??
[22:24:41] <evanbd> Looks like LPR only works on this client's requests
[22:24:52] <toad_> huh?
[22:25:05] <toad_> WatchGlobal
[22:25:06] <toad_> Enabled=true
[22:25:07] <toad_> End
[22:25:10] <toad_> do that first
[22:28:16] <toad_> evanbd: got some numbers?
[22:29:16] <evanbd> I don't see times in here...
[22:29:29] <toad_> evanbd: they would be in millis
[22:37:24] <evanbd> Regardless, I can tell from irc timestamps that it was not 
less than 47 KiB/s.  But the end time on that is fairly conservative.  Probably 
more like 60-70 average.
[22:39:00] <toad_> evanbd: i thought we had timestamps ... odd
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