On Saturday 24 October 2009 19:30:09 zero3 wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Oct 2009 23:51:56 +0100, Matthew Toseland
> <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> IMHO: Remove it. If needed, add a "Configure manually" button in the corner
> of the rest of the wizard pages. 1 click saved.

Yeah, that's my inclination too, glad to see we agree.
> > If we are browsing in incognito mode, we have a shorter warning:
> IMHO: Don't bother the user when he is doing the right thing. He is safe,
> so let him in without questions. 1 click saved.

Problem is it is hard to impossible to reliably detect when he is doing the 
*wrong* thing. Until we have a custom browser with non-localhost url's, we need 
the user to be aware of the issue?
> > Unfortunately starting Chrome with the incognito flag does not reliably
> > ensure the window is opened in incognito mode - if Chrome is already
> > running, it will open it in a non-incognito window/tab. So at the moment
> > this is turned off. So afaics we are waiting for Google to fix it?
> Firefox
> > is likely to have similar issues based on my experience with profiles,
> > although it may be possible to work around that with -no-remote. Does
> FF3.5
> > have an equivalent of incognito mode?
> We are indeed waiting for Google to fix it. I'm keeping an eye on their bug
> tracker. Regarding FF, we are awaiting a command line option to use private
> browsing which will be implemented in 3.6
> (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Command_Line_Options#-private).

> IMHO: Default to autoupdate without asking (on Windows and Mac - should be
> off on Linux when installed from a package). Nodes will quickly be locked
> out of the network if they don't update, rendering their nodes useless. 1
> click saved.

Packages are a separate issue, yes. However the real question here is UPnP and 
STUN, isn't it?
> IMHO: Remove this page and show it as some kind of status message on the
> fproxy main page. 1 click saved.

As a dismissable alert which shows only once, perhaps...
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