Apologies for being the absolute last wrap-up! This year went really well, we 
had 5 students, and they all (more or less) deserved their passes. We had a 
much stronger selection process than in the first 2 years, requiring some 
demonstration in the form of code: a new feature or a bugfix. So even though 
most of the students were completely new to us, mostly they did pretty well. 
One of our students had a work conflict, but this was resolved satisfactorily.

For the Googlers reading this, Freenet is an anonymous peer to peer system with 
support for forums, browsing the internal web, filesharing etc, with a focus on 
security and the option of running in "darknet" or friend-to-friend mode. It is 
intended (at least by me) for people in hostile environments (China, Iran etc) 
to express themselves freely, but it is currently mostly used in the West by 
geeks, filesharers, etc.

infinity0 and mikeb worked together on a new searching plugin, which we have 
now deployed. infinity0's work was primarily on a new index format (which 
works, but the spider needs more work), and on distributed indexing (which 
doesn't yet), and mikeb mainly worked on improving the user interface and 
adding essential features (simple non-infringing page ranking algorithm, 
booleans, phrase matches etc). kurmi worked on new filtering code for various 
formats, particularly a vastly improved CSS filter, which needed considerable 
work to sort out all the parsing perversities but is now merged (Freenet has to 
be very careful not to send anything to the browser that might give the user's 
IP away via a web-bug). ljb worked on more friend-to-friend functionality, his 
work is included in current builds. sashee worked on making the web interface 
more dynamic, including solving a long-running problem with image loading 
blocking the browser (freenet has quite high latency!), using Google Web 
Toolkit; this branch has not yet been merged, but hopefully will be inside the 
next 6 months or so, it needs some tuning and debugging for slow browsers. 

Some of our students achieved less than expected IMHO but in more cases there 
was a lot more work involved in the project than I expected, and the students 
did really well. I have talked to most of them in the last month, well after 
the programme was finished, and hopefully some of them will continue to 
contribute at least occasionally. Best year yet, many thanks to Google!
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