On Wednesday 01 December 2010 05:52:50 Volodya wrote:
> On 12/01/2010 02:12 AM, Ian Clarke wrote:
> > On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 11:08 AM, Volodya <Volodya at whengendarmesleeps.org
> > <mailto:Volodya at whengendarmesleeps.org>> wrote:
> >
> >     most Freenet users will at know about things
> >     like drive encryption or PGP e-mail (if not use them),
> >
> > This may be the case currently (although its far from certain), but we need 
> > to
> > be working towards Freenet being easy enough for newbies to use, and they
> > certainly won't be familiar with drive encryption or PGP.
> >
> > If we assume that our users are familiar with such things then we are 
> > basically
> > condemning Freenet to obscurity.

Hear hear. Tools that make it easy to do the right thing are the tools that are 
most secure in practice.
> >
> > Ian.
> What is the use case where a user does not know about existence of encryption?
> Perhaps if Freenet is the first thing the person has encountered seeking
> anonymity, and will learn about PGP later. But then teaching that person that
> password can be forgotten *and restored* is the last thing you want to do.

*IF* the user chooses to set a password, *THEN* we probably should tell them 
that it cannot be recovered period, since the common situation on the Internet 
is that passwords can always be recovered. However beyond telling them about 
this, I don't see that there is a problem.
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