Le Samedi 06 F?vrier 2010 05:10:53, Ian Clarke a ?crit :
> Pupok sent me a PDF containing a very preliminary mock-up of what the new
> front page will look like.  Note that it is a little pixelated, the final
> UI will not be.  The general idea is to keep it as simple as possible, and
> ensure that the UI is intuitive by following established UI conventions.
> The purpose of the new UI is *not* to replace all the functionality of
> fproxy, rather it should be viewed as an alternative to fproxy for "casual"
> users of Freenet (as opposed to those interested in aiding the Freenet
> development effort).  FProxy will remain for those who prefer it, or
> require functionality not provided by the new UI.
> The new UI will also provide a front-end for FreeTalk, although this is not
> shown in the mock-up.  Similarly, it will provide access to settings, but
> only those likely to be useful to "casual" users.
> Feedback is welcome of course.
> Ian.


One question though : will the new UI handle the download/upload list, and if 
not, why?

Except for that, I think it's nice, clean, and silk :)

Oh, and will the security levels be taken into account, or not? (it would take 
one line in the status dropdown, and I think it's important for a software 
like Freenet)

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