
I have the feeling that I have sorted out the score-calculation issues with 
WoT so WoT is basically almost finished, there is only some pre-release 
refactoring left to do.

Because we want to get out WoT ASAP (due to FlogHelper needing it) and it will 
be marked as final, not beta, on the plugins page I have thought a bit about 
the effects of the release:

We will have to mention that applications which use WoT are FlogHelper and 
Freetalk. IF we mention Freetalk, hundreds of people will try it out.

Because we will have a message-purge of Freetalk when leaving the beta phase 
(this was always said in a big red box on the Freetalk web interface so please 
do not complain) we should do the purge ASAP so that not too many messages are 
lost. Right now there is not much content on Freetalk and the useful content 
has been added to the bugtracker already so purging is still okay.

However, if we purge after having released WoT on the plugins page then we 
will piss hundreds of people off probably.

So my conclusion is that it would be very very good to release WoT and 
Freetalk together (and purge the message base before). Because I have delayed 
the release of WoT over and over again to fix critical issues I'm aware of the 
fact that I cannot demand a large delay yet once again. 
So my goal is to get Freetalk done ASAP so we can deploy it as "beta" together 
with WoT.

I have found a solution for being able to do this. Lets first consider what 
prevented me from voting for deployment as soon as WoT is done:
Two things: Pending structural database changes and the lack of the ability of 
specifying board descriptions.
The issues are crucial because:

- The database changes are needed for stability. They are maximal 1-2 days of 
work so they are not the problem.
- Because we will purge the messages anyway it is necessary to provide a very 
clean list of default boards after that. The default boards are very important 
because newbies need a good starting point of interesting content. And one of 
the core issues with non-moderated forums on Freenet is that people tend to 
use bad board names, bad board categories and creating zillions of multiple 
boards for the same topic. So the default boards should be good for the first 
time usage experience. And they should also have proper descriptions. 
Descriptions should be implemented as a voting mechanism though: If you have 
not specified your own description, the description which the most people have 
specified should be displayed. This is rather a larger piece of work to 
implement so my conclusion was that I cannot demand that WoT deployment is 
postponed until I'm done with it.

So to come back to what I wanted to say: The solution for this problem is a 
rather nasty hack but it will be acceptable: I will just hardcode a list of 
descriptions for the default boards, and nevertheless add a "Edit description" 
button to the web interface and explain that editing is not yet possible but 
will be implemented soon.

I guess most users will be fine with that and it allows me to get Freetalk done 
within the next few days so we can ship it together with WoT and officially 
start telling people that we are out of the testing phase of Freetalk in which 
messages could be lost. So people can actually start using it and be sure that 
their messages will be readable by future versions.

Now does that sound like a good deal? =)

Greetings, xor
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