On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 8:04 PM, xor <xor at gmx.li> wrote:
> On Thursday 18 February 2010 19:46:05 Matthew Toseland wrote:
>> > > we can at least try to avoid making the problem any worse.
>> >
>> > I agree that we need re-inserts to work. It was one of my goals with the
>> > new sanitizer: The old one removed very common characters such as
>> > brackets. And as it is only being used when downloading files and not
>> > when inserting them, people who have downloaded an affected file could
>> > not reinsert it without renaming (which nobody will do).
>> >
>> > However, we cannot have a strict list of forbidden characters which is
>> > applied for all operating systems because some OS forbid very common and
>> > useful characters: Windows for example does not allow the question mark
>> > "?" in filenames. This sucks. What would be acceptable is to have a
>> > config option "Remove problematic characters from filenames when
>> > downloading and uploading files" and have it enabled by default. This
>> > should as the name says also change the current behavior to also
>> > sanitize
>> > filenames before uploading.
>> As I understand it your code does not remove : ? etc on Windows, it only
>> removes stuff that cannot be represented in ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8 or
>> whatever
>> the default is.
> Of course it does:
> "if(onWindowsOS &&
> StringValidityChecker.isWindowsReservedFilenameCharacter(c))
> sb.append(' ');"
> (windowsReservedFilenameCharacters = new HashSet<Character>(Arrays.asList(
> new Character[] { '/', '\\', '?', '%', '*', ':', '|', '\"', '<', '>'}));

: is reserved in macos  too
/ is reserved in many unix filesystem.

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