On Friday 15 January 2010 23:17:49 Ian Clarke wrote:
> Matthew,
> Github has a "post-commit hook" feature (the URL is something like
> https://github.com/sanity/sa-website/edit/hooks) where it will do a
> HTTP POST to a specified URL when someone pushes to the repository.
> Can we set this up so that it automatically regenerates the Freenet
> website when someone makes a change to it?  I think this would go a
> log way towards making the Freenet website easier for people to edit
> and improve.

Conceivably but IMHO the security implications are unreasonable. Nothing should 
be posted without being reviewed by a core developer - whether the website or a 
binary. And also, the current system where php is compiled ahead of time would 
not be compatible with this (at least not without running the compile 
somewhere). IMHO this saves us a lot of server load, and if we get rid of emu 
that will be really important.
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