On Friday 12 November 2010 13:01:31 Volodya wrote:
> On 12.11.2010 0:06, Gerard Krol wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> > 
> > I've spent some nights trying to understand the way Freenet builds and
> > maintains its opennet topology. The goal is to obtain a small world
> > network (without hubs). The small average path (hop) length is good
> > for performance, while the large degree of clustering makes it easy to
> > find the node that has the exactly key we are looking for.
> > 
> > The current system, as I understand it, has a chance to short circuit
> > a path. This is called "path folding". When any data is sent a node
> > will attach a noderef if it is interested in more peers. The data and
> > noderef will be routed across the network to the same location as the
> > data until it reaches a node that wants to have more peers and that
> > rolls success on the "path folding dice". If so, the nodes will
> > connect to each other and a shorter path is formed.
> > 
> > I think this behavior will cause us to connect to *clusters* of peers.
> > This is due to the path folding request traveling over already
> > established routes. If those peers are close to us its not a problem,
> > but we might end up with a few connections to a cluster of peers far
> > away from our own location. Take a look at your "Peer Location
> > Distribution" now and tell me if that is the case.
> > 
> > My proposal is to change the way path folding works and make it less
> > "path folding" and more "peer finding". If we need a connection we
> > send our noderef to a random location chosen with chance proportional
> > to 1/d, where d is the distance between us and the chosen location. If
> > the final node on that location wants more peers we connect. This will
> > force an 1/d distribution of our peers, which should be enough to
> > obtain a small world network.
> > 
> > The current peer disconnection algorithm looks OK to me. It will every
> > once in a while drop the peer for who it is the longest ago that it
> > was successful in fetching a key for us.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Gerard
> How would you control an attacker who wants to dominate a specific area of the
> keyspace then? Ok, you can have a die which decides whether or not to connect,
> but an attacker can just keep flooding the particular space with requests and
> wait for the eventual connection.

This argument holds to some degree against announcement...
> Note that you are not even giving an opportunity for the peers along the path 
> to
> connect, you are talking about the final location.
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