On 23.10.2010 1:14, Robert Hailey wrote:
> On 2010/10/15 (Oct), at 1:00 PM, Robert Hailey wrote:
>> On 2010/10/15 (Oct), at 9:29 AM, Volodya wrote:
>>> There is an option in the configuration which turns on caching of the 'local
>>> or nearby requests', you can turn it on to speed up such requests. However,
>>> you should note that it will be significantly easier to determine what 
>>> you've
>>> been downloading/viewing while that setting is turnt on.
>>> I hope this helps you.
>>> - Volodya
>> Yes, that is helpful. Thanks for pointing it out.
>> --
>> Robert Hailey
> btw. I've activated this on my nodes and the difference is phenomenal. Much
> happier "end user experience."
> Was this option disabled by default b/c of bloom-filter sharing?
> I really think the argument for sniffing your store/cache is only relevant if
> the majority of nodes have this option disabled (otherwise popular "sites" 
> would
> be cached b/c they are popular, and unpopular would cache b/c the requests
> trying to find them, no?).

It was disabled because it allows somebody to see what large files you have 
downloaded. It is trivial to see that if your computer is seised, and is even 
possible over a larger period of time if a person is connected to you (either 
via darknet or opennet).

So one option would be to turn on caching while doing "regular" browsing, and 
then turn it off when you are really really paranoid. Treat it sort of like 
Torbutton on Firefox, just for the higher level of paranoia on Freenet.

                  - Volodya

http://freedom.libsyn.com/     Echo of Freedom, Radical Podcast

  "None of us are free until all of us are free."    ~ Mihail Bakunin

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