
> IF we get a decent new web interface done which integrates all of those, we
> could make a theme which completely looks like Facebook and then do a major
> press release which claims something like "Freenet project implements
> anonymous Facebook". This would probably hit most of the IT news sites and
> help usability very much because there are hundreds of millions of Facebook
> users and Facebook is a major buzzword.
> Given that the architecture of our web interface is homebrew, difficult to
> use
> by web developers and needs a complete re-write anyway I suggest that we
> include what I've described in this mail in our GSoC decision:
> IF there is a good student besides zidel who wants to revamp the web
> interface
> with a web-UI-framework we should try to take him. We could benefit very
> much
> from a new code architecture of the web interface!

This would be great! If it is done before Diaspora [
https://joindiaspora.com/] (or similar) release, it would be a great hit for
Freenet! (Diaspora aims to provide a decentralized open source social
networking platform). All those people considered with commercial, unsafe
and centralized nature of social networks such as Facebook, Orkut, etc.
(e.g. myself!) could use Freenet as a replacement!

The most important issue on moving to a new architecture and replace/enhance
the current structure with a more developer/designer friendly one is
deciding the right framework. Currently a custom from-the-scratch framework
utilizing apache velocity and extending existing toadletServer and Toadlets
is considered.(

If we reach a consensus on this matter I could start building a prototype
framework and perform some tests on already existing toadlets.

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