On Tuesday 02 Aug 2011 09:33:06 Ximin Luo wrote:
> (01:06:00) toad_: infinity0: my release scripts in particular need a mode that
> works with the version of freenet-ext.jar that i give it and no other ... can 
> i
> just set download enabled and it will use the existing one? or will it 
> download
> a new one?
> read the "external dependencies" section of build.properties. if it's
> confusing, tell me how and i'll fix it.
> i don't know why you think you should enable the download when you explicitly
> don't want to use the downloaded version. this makes no sense. the whole point
> of requiring the user to explicitly enable the download, is so that builders
> don't "by accident" use the downloaded version.

Okay, I misunderstood this.

It turns out you can just put freenet-ext.jar in lib/freenet/ and forget about 
it. You don't in fact need to tell it to allow the download, because it won't 
check it. I was confused because freenet-ext.jar was moved from 
lib/freenet-ext.jar to lib/freenet/freenet-ext.jar.
> granted, one oversight I made was in fred's build.xml:
> <property name="contrib.ant" value="${lib.contrib.dir}/../build.xml"/>
> which assumes that build.xml for contrib is ../ relative to the dist 
> directory.
> this isn't the case for the legacy-27 branch. so your custom build scripts 
> will
> need to build contrib first, then build fred, rather than relying on fred's
> build script to do this automatically.
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