[Saturday 13 Aug 2011] [11:35:49] <TheSeeker>   
http://www.youtube.com/user/CryptNode  has a couple of videos in english, 
http://www.youtube.com/user/FoilenCOM has a few videos in french

Should we link to these, or even embed these?

Tutorial for installing on Ubuntu. Seems competent, should we link to it on the 
download page under linux? Hopefully OpenJDK will be acceptable in the near 
future, which eliminates most of the complexity.

Windows, including updating Java and using the rabbit.

Frost tutorial. Details some major windows caveats. We don't want Frost! :)

Getting FMS working on Windows can be a royal PITA. It might make sense to link 
to this on the forums page (when freetalk isn't loaded), or even, with 
permission, upload it (once we have a VP8 filter). I don't think this covers 
the specific issues I ran into with a windows user when trying to make it work 
some months back, but maybe they are fixed.

Some jargon, but likely still usable for a lot of users, saves time e.g. on 

Also the video files are available. Could be useful for a biggish package. 
Maybe even the invite-installer could eventually include extra documentation 
etc, including videos? Or maybe put them on freenet, although that mostly 
defeats the point. :)
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