Am Freitag, 2. Dezember 2011, 22:21:17 schrieb Jeff Rivett:
> Greetings.  According to the wiki
> ( "Windows installer -
> We could do with a more active maintainer, and we definitely need more
> testers (with different windows versions) for it."
> If that's still the case, I would like to offer my assistance.  

Even though I am not one of our maintainers: Yes, please! 

I saw two people in IRC who did not manage to get Freenet working on their 
Windows, and I think that was connected to the installer. 

> I have a ton
> of experience writing installers for most versions of Windows.  I also have
> access to various versions of Windows in virtual form that I can use for
> testing.

Sounds great! 

> Let me know if I can be of any help as a Windows installer
> developer/maintainer.

If you don?t want to wait for an OK but rather prefer experimenting/hacking at 
once, you can have a look at our installer repo. I?m not perfectly sure, which 
installer we use right now, though. It?s one of these:

(the second one seems more likely (mind the branch: alpha))

Would be cool to hve you on board!

Best wishes, 
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