On Monday 24 January 2011 17:30:52 Matthew Toseland wrote:

> Second point first: I will revoke most people's git rights to simplify
> release management. If you are working on stuff that isn't directly
> relevant to the release, please continue to work on it, but do so on a
> branch, e.g. on a github fork. If it is stable, small, and non-disruptive
> there may be points at which it can be considered.

And while you?re at it: can you please adopt some kind of sensible 
development/branching model? Releasing builds from random branches is highly 
confusing. You had the discussion already with Tommy[D] (I think), and after 
seeing that you cherry-picked one of my changes which did not make it into an 
official release for more than three builds because you started releasing from 
some other random branch I think he is complete right.

I have recently started using the branching model suggested by Vincent 
Driessen in http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/. At first 
the amount of branches that are created seem overwhelming but after a short 
time the benefits of having features cleanly separated before merging them 
outweigh the added complexity of the graph in gitk by far.

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