Freenet 0.7.5 build 1389 is now available. Please upgrade, it will be mandatory 
on Tuesday. Ordinarily I wouldn't release a build, especially a build with 
significant changes, on Saturday, but in case of emergency phone me on my 
mobile (see my website). However it has been tested fairly thoroughly 
throughout the week, mostly on testnet, so I don't expect serious problems, and 
it is necessary before we can deploy new load management.

The major changes in this build relate to new load management, fixing many bugs 
related to timeouts in inserts (and sometimes requests), leaks/stalls of 
inserts/requests, various other causes of bogus rejects of requests/inserts 
(thus causing mandatory backoffs that will be familiar to anyone testing NLM) 
and making inserts compatible with new load management. There are also very 
minor fixes in the client layer, block transfer and opennet code, and better 
handling of a corrupted peers file on opennet.

Please upgrade, and please report any problems! Also, I am hoping to enable new 
load management network-wide for bulk requests early next week, so please test 
new load management! It seems to be working acceptably on testnet, and I won't 
immediately turn off AIMDs, that will be a bit later after it is clear that NLM 
hasn't caused any serious problems.

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