Volunteer here for plan 3 ;)

On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 12:04 AM, xor <xor at gmx.li> wrote:

> There are multiple options:
> (1) Give away the stuff to random people at some hacker congress as
> advertisement.
> (2) Evil plan: Sell the stuff >:] Use earned money as funds for FPI
> (3) Spent all of it on stickers and let some of the known-to-be-reliable
> developers do some guerilla marketing with them at places which are highly
> frequented by possible users. Nerd-pubs, etc.
> I would vote for (3). I would also offer to do this myself if I get mailed
> stickers :)
> Actually I would love to do this, before you even mailed this I already was
> sort of angry at myself that I didn't do any effort on this yet
> I think the amount of stickers we can get for $1000 will be a few hundred
> thousand so we can do LOTS of marketing with that.
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