On Tuesday 03 Apr 2012 02:26:03 Zlatin Balevsky wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 6:04 PM, Matthew Toseland
> <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> > On Saturday 31 Mar 2012 04:03:10 Zlatin Balevsky wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> In 'log.info("Random message: %s", obj.toString())' evaluating 
> >> >> 'obj.toString()' was what caused issues, not recycling it, or so I 
> >> >> believe to remember.
> >> >
> >> > You don't need to call obj.toString() before calling log() - just pass 
> >> > the object itself. Then the only overheads are:
> >> > 1) Calling the function, including passing the arguments - which 
> >> > hopefully will be optimised to be on some stack (but the code might not 
> >> > have been JITted yet).
> >> > 2) Looking up whether it needs to be logged.
> >> >
> >>
> >> 3) Autoboxing because you cannot pass a primitive if the argument is
> >> Object without creating a <? extends Number>.  Small ranges of
> >> Char/Short/Integer/Long values are cached, anything outside those will
> >> end up creating garbage if the shouldLog predicate evaluate true even
> >> once.
> >
> > Will it still autobox them if they are on the stack, and never used?
> If the isDebuggable predicate never evaluates true, then it's not a
> problem.  But if it evaluates true even once for the lifetime of the
> loaded class it will create these objects.  It's a quirk of current
> hotspot jvm which will not affect production deployments but will
> affect the developer: turning on debug logging for one class will
> cause all primitives in all log statements to be instantiated.  I had
> some sample code earlier in the thread.

It means we need separate checks in each method, rather than having them all 
wrap the same generic logger method?
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