>> Any patch with lazy evaluation will not cause problems in the "normal"
>> case but will affect debugging Fred because turning on debug log level
>> for a single class will cause all lazy parameters everywhere to be
>> created.

Before someone calls me out on this one I this is how you can use lazy
evaluation without garbage on hotspot jvms.  The statement becomes
getLog().log( <lazy args> ) and the predicate goes in the getter.

===== CallSiteJitting.java =====
public class CallSiteJitting {

        static interface Logger {
                void log(Object ar1, Object ar2);

        static class MuteLogger implements Logger {
                public void log(Object ar1, Object ar2){}

        static class RealLogger implements Logger {
                static long sideEffect;
                public void log(Object ar1, Object ar2) {
                        sideEffect += ar1.hashCode();
                        sideEffect += ar2.hashCode();

        private static final Logger mute = new MuteLogger();
        private static final Logger real = new RealLogger();

        private static boolean once;
        private static Logger getLog() {
                if (!once) {
                        once = true;
                        System.out.println("real logging once");
                        // if you return real every time lots of
                        // garbage collections happen
                        return real;
                return mute;

        public static void main(String []ar) throws Exception {

                for (long l = 0; l < Long.MAX_VALUE; l++) {
                        getLog().log(new Object(), new Object());

===== end CallSiteJitting.java

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