Hi Ian

I am willing to contribute to writing content for any of these sections. 

Though I am not the right person to decide what content should go in, I can 
help organise and rewrite them better. 

Anyone else interested? We have more than a week. 

To quote from the website:

The Application Process

Applications are relatively simple.
Applicants are asked to complete the following 6 questions:
What is your idea and why is it needed: Who will make use of it?
What is the technology? We're interested in code, bits and platforms.
How are you making it happen: Who are you working with?
How will you keep it going: How will you evaluate it and keep the project going?
What are the risks: Have you done your due diligence?
What is your track record: What you have done before and how advanced is the 

> This looks like an ideal opportunity for us, but I'm crazy busy over the next 
> week or so and am unlikely to be able to apply.  Would anyone like to 
> volunteer to take this on?  I can provide them with any necessary information.
> Ian.

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